Music & Other Stuff

Anything & everything to do with music and other stuff besides.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Baby Update News

Dawn has had the usual pains in the back and hips and the excessive movement (especially at night whilst relaxing), but apart from just wanting the baby to arrive, there is nothing to report from last night or today sofar.

A very annoying thing happened last night whilst I was driving from work to home in the Ford Galaxy. I was going round a roundabout (Whitton roundabout on the A316 to be specific)and this guy in his Fiat Punto decided to make a last minute decision and go across the back of me, but because he was on his mobile obviously in deep conversation, he went into me instead of clearing me! He damaged the passenger door the part of the rear arch and the undersill of the door. I got out to say to him to park along the side of the road to exchange insurance details, but when he got back into his car, he just drove off (Nice Bloke!). I did not get his reg number because to be honest you don't expect people to drive off after you have had a conversation about pulling over after an accident. He was in his early twenties, so he either had no insurance or just simply could not be bothered with all the boring paperwork. As I do not have a leg to stand on now, my only hope is that there is substantial damage on his car (I did not even notice that at the time because of shock) and that indeed he is not insured, and as a consequence has to pay a fortune to repair his car. Karma is required here, I beleive!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude... Have you contacted the plod, as thay may have CCTV footage. Careless/Dangerous driving, whilst using a mobile and leaving the scene of an accident is quite a serious offence. (obviously not as serious as doing 35mph in a 30 however!!)This guy may have been DUI of alcohol and has subsiquently reported it once sober, if you are lucky. All the best Rupert

October 24, 2006 12:27 PM  

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