Music & Other Stuff

Anything & everything to do with music and other stuff besides.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Baby News Update

Finally it's Dawns last day at Work with 2 days to go until the due date!!
As sizeable amount of work colleagues and friends and myself congregated in the local Thai restaurant in the back of the 'wishing Well' in Hounslow. Dawn as predicted went for 'Prawn Number 1', in which she is widely known to do amongst her immediate colleagues.
Hopefully this time because of it's spicy ingredients, it may bring the baby on by the weekend, mind you, if Ella our daughter is anything to go by (2 weeks overdue), there's not much chance of that !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Camp family congratulations....! Where's the update and pics?
p.s I have a song for baby camp, its a house tune!
Its called 'Beautiful' by Jask & Joice (chill out version)

Big Hug and Kiss love Punam

November 06, 2006 1:22 AM  

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