Music & Other Stuff

Anything & everything to do with music and other stuff besides.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Baby News Update

For those of you who are looking at this on a daily basis, my apologies of not writing my Blog yesterday. I was really busy at work and then went straight down to see my parents in Redhill after work, so had no time to write the Blog.
Anyway, Dawn is experiencing excessive tightness and movement and is struggling to generally get around, but as she is someone who just does'nt sit down, she is trying her best to do as much as she can up to a point. You just can't keep a good woman down!! (Even at near to 9 months pregnant). Ella seems to be going through a stage of saying 'No'to most things at the moment and just generally being stubborn, which makes it particulary difficult when its just Ella & Dawn, because Dawn, much to her frustration, cannot do much in the way of running around after her etc.
The latest names for the new baby are 'Will' for a boy or 'Hannah' or 'Esme'(Pronounced 'ezmee')if it's a girl. This may change, as we have a few other ideas. We are particulary finding it difficult to think of boys names.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope it's a girl... As 'WC' is a cruel initial for a boy!

October 31, 2006 6:36 AM  

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