Music & Other Stuff

Anything & everything to do with music and other stuff besides.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Baby Arrival

Just to let everyone know, Dawn gave birth to a gorgeous boy on the 5th November 2006 at 0205am, weighing in at 6lb 3oz's. Her contractions started on the 4th November in Pizza Hut, Hayes (Classy!!)whilst dining with our friends Rich, Kam, Ethan & Mischa. The contractions were none stop basically every 12-14 minutes at that point and just as we were about to watch 'Afterlife' on TV at 2100hrs, the contractions were every 10-12 minutes.
Rather than spend hours in the hospital or worst still going up there and being told that you have not dilated enough, so you might as well go home, we stayed in the comfort of our own home until we felt it was the right time.
As it transpired, we judged it correctly, as Dawn was 8cm dilated by the time we had got to the hospital, so although the contractions had started at around 1230, they did not start coming heavily until about 10pm and then as soon as we got St Peters hospital, Chertsey just after midnight, they came thick and fast. Our midwife was called Mary, who was very calm and very relaxed, which is just what we needed.
After baby (Yet to be named) and Dawn were checked out, we were all sent home at around 0900am on the same day.
No song of the day from me today, but a request has come in from a colleague and friend of dawn's (Punam). Just from a quick search, I believe this is a single only, and not on an album as yet. I am sure Punam will keep us updated if you hear and like it!

Song - Beautiful (Chill Out Version)
Artist - Jask Ft Joice


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