Music & Other Stuff

Anything & everything to do with music and other stuff besides.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Baby Update News

I am now back at work after spending such a wonderful week with Dawn, Ella and Nicholas. It has been somewhat tiring and challenging, especially with Ella who is two and a half and very active and lively. She appears to have taken well to her new brother and I think we have finally taught her how to be gentle with him rather than constantly poking him with one finger.
Although it is hard work, it is very rewarding and somehow seems to be easier this time round. I guess that's because it was not too long ago when we were doing the same thing with Ella.
Dawn is recovering really well and has almost regained her usual shape and size, although she would argue that point at this present time. Ella is going to Nursery 3 mornings a week (Mon, Tues & Fri) 0800-Midday, which gives Dawn quality bonding time with Nicholas and a little bit of a breather from Ella.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I had the pleasure of meeting Nicholas today and he's absolutely gorgeous!! Dawn looks fab too!
I wanted to recommend a song that we listened to a lot when our son was born (we actually played it at his 1st birthday party) and that is:
"Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon.
For us, this song completely summed up what we felt (and still feel!) for our son.
Much Love,

November 14, 2006 5:54 AM  

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