Music & Other Stuff

Anything & everything to do with music and other stuff besides.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Baby Update News

It's been a few days since I wrote the last Baby update, but fortunately or unfortunately (Depending how you look at it), the baby has still not arrived. Dawn is getting increasingly bigger and tired, but she is giving up work on Wednsedday the 1st Nov 2006 which is a good job, considering the due date is on Friday 3rd Nov.
You may think this is sad, but we have bought and wrapped 90% of our Christmas presents for this year, as we figured that the run up to Christmas for us (As it is always anyway)will be obviously more hectic with the new arrival, so with the little time we do have now, we have taken advantage of the situation.
The hospital bag and the house are now totally prepared, so its now just a waiting game.

Song Of The Day

Absolutely love these guys. In this world of manufactured rubbish, which appears to sell well for some strange reason, it is very refreshing to know that these guys amongst others (Coldplay, Oasis & Kasbian to name but a few) are keeping it real. Lead vocalist Gary Lightbody has the perfect instrument to convey the power and emotion of his words. He has strong enough vocal abilty to hold his own against the surge of backing guitars, so then it is no surprise that Lightbody has said "Chasing Cars" is "the most pure and open love song" he has written.

Song - Chasing Cars
Artist - Snow Patrol
Album - Eyes Open
Website -

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Baby News Update

For those of you who are looking at this on a daily basis, my apologies of not writing my Blog yesterday. I was really busy at work and then went straight down to see my parents in Redhill after work, so had no time to write the Blog.
Anyway, Dawn is experiencing excessive tightness and movement and is struggling to generally get around, but as she is someone who just does'nt sit down, she is trying her best to do as much as she can up to a point. You just can't keep a good woman down!! (Even at near to 9 months pregnant). Ella seems to be going through a stage of saying 'No'to most things at the moment and just generally being stubborn, which makes it particulary difficult when its just Ella & Dawn, because Dawn, much to her frustration, cannot do much in the way of running around after her etc.
The latest names for the new baby are 'Will' for a boy or 'Hannah' or 'Esme'(Pronounced 'ezmee')if it's a girl. This may change, as we have a few other ideas. We are particulary finding it difficult to think of boys names.

Song Of The Day

When I get the chance I still like to tinker on the piano, which stems from when I was 12 Years old, when I had weekly piano lessons. I only did it for a short while but the upright piano we had in the family home, still remained and so I would just jump on it occasionally and try in vain to write songs, but with little or no success. Anyway, I just love the sound of a piano when it is played properly. The below 'Song Of The Day'is purely a piano based song, but it is'nt complicated or tricky. It's actually a fairly basic song but at the same time very clever. Michael Stipes voice of course, ultimately makes the song what it is, but the piano work beautifully rides along with his voice, at times taking centre stage with the intertwining flow

Song - Nightswimming
Artist - REM
Album - Automatic For The People
Website -

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Baby Update News

Dawn has had the usual pains in the back and hips and the excessive movement (especially at night whilst relaxing), but apart from just wanting the baby to arrive, there is nothing to report from last night or today sofar.

A very annoying thing happened last night whilst I was driving from work to home in the Ford Galaxy. I was going round a roundabout (Whitton roundabout on the A316 to be specific)and this guy in his Fiat Punto decided to make a last minute decision and go across the back of me, but because he was on his mobile obviously in deep conversation, he went into me instead of clearing me! He damaged the passenger door the part of the rear arch and the undersill of the door. I got out to say to him to park along the side of the road to exchange insurance details, but when he got back into his car, he just drove off (Nice Bloke!). I did not get his reg number because to be honest you don't expect people to drive off after you have had a conversation about pulling over after an accident. He was in his early twenties, so he either had no insurance or just simply could not be bothered with all the boring paperwork. As I do not have a leg to stand on now, my only hope is that there is substantial damage on his car (I did not even notice that at the time because of shock) and that indeed he is not insured, and as a consequence has to pay a fortune to repair his car. Karma is required here, I beleive!

Song Of The Day

I grew up listening to a pretty eclectic selection of music. My father played anything and everything at home, but mostly in the car and although I don'tremember paying too much attention to it at the time, I guess the reason I have such a diverse taste in music today, is because all that music ranging from 'Bread' to Supertramp and Dire Straits to name but a few, must of somehow lodged deeply into my sub-consious, in preparation for later in life.
Anyway, one of those many albums(Usually and generally recorded on a light grey TDK tape, as CD's were not even thought of then!)was Equinoxe by Jean Michel Jarre (The Godfather of ambient music).
It's yet another one of those albums that I have appreciated a lot more in my adulthood, but because of the aforementioned sub-consious, I immediately took to it. In particular, Equinoxe (Part 7), which is the longest track at just over 7 minutes, is quite simply an epic in my opininon, with it's continuous sweeping and swirling of synth sounds mixed in with a wonderful quirky and eerie-like undertow. This track like the rest of the tracks on Equinoxe would still give any modern artist today in the same genre as Jarre, a run for their money.

Song - Equinoxe (Part 7)
Artist - Jean Michel Jarre
Album - Equinoxe
Website -

Monday, October 23, 2006

Song Of The Day

I came across Sonya Kitchell by mistake really. I downloaded her album without realising and thought I'd listen to it anyway. I'm glad I did, coz it's a cracker!
Her voice is so strong and melodic and full of emotion. 'Can't get you out of my mind' is a kind of slow bluesy number but with a kick. Great tune!

Song - Can't get out of my mind
Artist - Sonya Kitchell
Album - Words Came Back To Me
Website -

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Baby Update

No news as yet.
Genesis have just announced they will be touring Europe and the States next year (Dates to be released). I will be at the front of the queue when they are released.

Song Of The Day

This song reminds me of my time in Israel on a Kibbutz. There is no particular attachment lyric or emotion wise, it was just played a lot by someone who liked the 'Counting Crows' and it simply grew on me. This particular song is very easy going and melodic and a pleasure to listen to.

Song - Perfect Blue Buildings
Artist - Counting Crows
Album - August & Everything After
Website -

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Song Of The Day

Gorgeous, Gorgeous & Gorgeous!!!
You simply must hear this song. It is so chilled out and so laid back!
The whole album is much the same, but this track is just so good. As far as I know, this album went relatively un-noticed when it originally came out in 1978, which seems a travisty to me.

Song - Slabo Day
Artist - Peter Green
Album - In The Skies
Website -

Baby News Sofar

Nothing to report on the baby front today apart from a few rumblings and movements. We went to the Wonderful Ikea in Croydon today to buy a smaller kitchen table (bore bore, I know), but it will give us more room, especially when the baby is born. Ikea of course was its usual irritating and busy self, awash with visibly frustrated and miserable people.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Song Of The Day

Song - Hunting High & Low
Artist - A-HA
Album - Hunting High & Low
Website -

This song mostly reminds me of my childhood in the 80's. I did'nt listen to the album for a good 15 years and then I found the tape of it in a charity shop a couple of years ago and totally forgot how good it was. A few of the songs were and are obviously dated, but the song 'Hunting High & Low' still stands the test of time and certainly stands out for me. I think I remember that at the time of the album coming out, I preferred the faster songs like , 'Take on Me' and 'The Sun Always Shines On Tv'and was not really interested in the slower songs, so it could either be age or just the fact I am now listening to the album from a different perspective and that my general music taste has simply changed.

Latest Baby Countdown News

Dawn has been to see the midwife today and the baby's head is definately engaged, so it could be any moment now.
I went to a works leaving do last in Chiswick, Middlesex in a place called 'Revolutions'. It was a good turn out and the place was really modern and comfortable. It also played a lot of Old Funk and Funky House, which I absolutely love, so even though there wasn't a dance floor, I still danced a little (albeit on my own), because I just could not help it, which was easier to do, as I had had 4 pints of 'Magners' Irish Cider up to that point. Lethal but lovely stuff!!
Going out with some friends tonight in Walton-On-Thames to a Tapas bar, so hopefully Dawn wont start tonight otherwise it will tuen into quite a different evening.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Baby Arrival Very Near

For the record it is 2 weeks tommorow that our baby is due. The due date is on the 3rd November 2006. We already have a daughter who is just over 2 years old and we we have not found out what the sex of the new baby is. One thing that's for sure, like my daughter who is subjected to music morning, noon and night whether she likes it or not, the new baby will have the same treatment as it is my desire to have children that have as diverse music taste as I have.

Song Of The Day

I have always been a big admirer of Peter Gabriel, especially in his Genesis days, but his subsequent solo projects have also been excellent. I could name a number of songs that are my favourites (At least 2 or 3 from each album) and they may feature in future 'Song Of The Days' blogs, however, 'In Your Eyes' is a good start in my opinion and is one of the stongest tracks on the album and that is saying something, let me tell you! Wonderful build up, great chorus, sublime production.

Song - In Your Eyes
Artist - Peter Gabriel
Album - So
Website -

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Song Of The Day

You really need to hear this song. It is just pure class. From the moment I heard this song I fell in love with it. The whole album apart from arguably 'My Mirror' (In my personal opinion only!), is stunningly beautiful, but this song particulary stands out for me.
It is obviously very personal to the artist as are most of the songs on the album, but it sucks you in and you can relate to the inspiration she must of had when she originally put pen to paper.

Song - One
Artist - Tina Dico
Album - In The Red
Website -

Really Good Lyric & Song Meaning Links

I really enjoy reading the lyrics of a song and trying climb inside the mind of the songwriter to find out the meaning. Sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is hard, and sometimes it is down right impossible, as the lyrics are so personal to the artist that no amount of disecting and pulling apart will help, so thankfully there are sites that provide this kind of information, however, just like a previous post regarding finding out what a certain song is that you like from a commercial or Tv programme etc, these sites will not have all lyrics known to man, even between them all, so you may have to delve deeper and search for small forums around the netand someone somwhere will have an answer.
Anyway, below are a few lyric sites.....

1. - The Webs Largest archive of lyrics
2. - Lyrics Universe (It's a place where all searches end)
3. - Great Site For finding out what a Song means. Huge Database
4. - Another good site for song meanings
5. - Song Meanings, Lyrics & Trivia

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Song Of The Day

My next song of the day is a song that I will never never tire of. Everytime I listen to it, it takes me to a different kind of journey. Nearly 13 minutes of really mellow jazz guitar with swirling landscaping sounds constantly in the background throughout. Pure beauty for the ears!

Song - Freedom Flig
Artist - Shuggie Otis
Album - Inspiration Information
Website -

Monday, October 16, 2006

Song of The Day

From today onwards I will try to do a 'Song Of The Day'with a full description and other information.

Below is my very first!

This is a stunningly beautiful song which is my personal favourite from the album, however, there is not a weak song on the album, so it's worth buying it for the full experience. I believe Jeff Buckley died when he was only 26 Years Old, which is tragic, because you just know from the quality of this song alone, he would of definately gone on to do greater things.

Song - Last Goodbye
Artists - Jeff Buckley
Album - Grace
Website -

Some really Good Music related Websites

I am forever searching for interesting and informative sites about music but I especially find it a challenge when I really like a song from a commercial, Tv Programme or Film etc and I can't find it straight away on the net. Fortunately, there are many sites available to find this information out these days, so if the information is not on one site, it will probably be on another. This is good but at the same time, it takes the challenge away if you enjoy the search, however, I guess there will always be obscure songs and artists that wont be on theses sites, so the challenge of searching continues!!
So basically, if you want to find a song that you have heard and like, go to one of the below sites (I am sure there are many more, but these are the popular ones!) and if you can't find it this way, put the name of the song/artist in a the search part of Google and after possibly digging deep with the many small forums around, you may be lucky to find the information you want. In my experience, 9 times out of 10, your search should stop at this point, however, if you are not so lucky, then that's when the real challenge starts. It depends on how desperate you are to find out what the song/artist is or if you have the time of course!

The sites....
1. - The UK Television Advert Music Database.

2. - UK Tv Advert Database & Movie Soundtrack Database

3. - The definitive guide to music used in UK and Irish television advertisements

4. - An on-line community of people interested in movie soundtracks.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Some Useful Music Links

A while back I wanted to get into Music Publishing and still do to a certain extent. Anyway, after some fairly extensive research, I found the below URL's tobe very useful. If someone else is trying to get into the same thing, these might save you a lot of time.

If I find anymore, I will post or if anyone else has anymore, please post. I have also got a whole load of fun & useful music related URLS's, which I will put on soon.
I am also going to start posting lists of compilations I have done over time. Meanwhile, if anybody else has a list of say, 10-15 Songs (or maybe more), please post when you can. It would be quite interesting to see peoples different ideas and tastes.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fond Music Compilation Memories

For as long as I can remember, I have put music compilations together. I typically used a tape-to-tape stereo and compiled to my hearts content. My varied taste and passion for music, originally stemed from about the age of 7 years old when my father would play tapes in the car of for example 'Supertramp - Breakfast In America', 'Bread -Baby I'm A Want You', anything 'Dire Straits' & The Beatles and more besides. I was never really into vinyl, sticking only to tape cassettes and buying the odd 12" single here and there. I seem to recollect that the introduction of the 'Compact Disc' was in 1984, although this undoubtedly will be contested by someone.